Meet Denise
Denise is a holistic Kinesiologist (since 2009) and ex primary school teacher. She lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband and 3 grown up children.
She personally experienced Kinesiology about 15 years ago when she had a ‘few’ stresses in her life. After the first session she was hooked! She was not only fascinated by this energy therapy, she realized it could be life transforming.
She was amazed at everything the Kinesiologist ‘knew’ about her from just a couple of muscle tests. After the session, she felt so much clearer, calmer and more empowered.
Denise was so enthralled by this healing modality that she decided to study Kinesiology herself.
Kinesiology is an energy therapy, which helps take the ‘stress’ out of the body. The issues, situations or stresses in people’s lives affect their physical and mental health and create blocks to achieving their goals.
She is particularly passionate in helping people become aware of the power that they have themselves in self-healing and changing their own reality.
3 random facts about Denise
She owns an egg farm called ‘Cracking Eggs’ with her family. They have 3,500 pasture raised chickens!
She secretly loves lying in the sun reading. It energizes her. (Hat on of course!)
She loves French Champagne and tea and soda stream water!