Hi, Im Denise
Hi, Im Denise
Are you ready to change your reality? THEN it’s time to change your energy!
I help people like you, clear blocks and stress from your body, so you can achieve your goals. Goals to health, relationships, success, peace and contentment.
I am a holistic Kinesiologist
I am a holistic Kinesiologist
and author of ‘How to Raise Good Vibe Children – and raise your own vibration too’.
Your body knows exactly what’s going on with you. Why things are happening and what needs to be done to help CHANGE YOUR ENERGY AND YOUR REALITY.
I support and guide you into changing your energy and raising your vibration, so you can attract more of what you do want in your life. Good health, success and contentment.
I can help align and balance your body, clear and heal the negative beliefs and emotions, that are STOPPING you from BEING YOUR BEST SELF.
You’ve been thinking and thinking and talking and talking about wanting something to change, so let’s do better than that. Let’s make an ENERGY SHIFT. That will do it!

Click button to buy on bookdepository or search amazon for ebooks, booktopia, fish pond and all good book stores! ‘How To Raise Good Vibe Children – And Raise Your own Vibration Too.

Let's make an ENERGY SHIFT
Start with my free guide on How To Change Your Energy and Raise your Vibration