New season! It’s time to shake it up and re-set!

Hi Energy Believers!

How are you feeling? What’s your energy like?

Great, inspired, full of zing, oomph and pep or

bad, sluggish, unmotivated and slow?

Regardless, it’s good to just re-balance and re-set for the new season!!

  1. Firstly sage your house and yourself!

2. Then add to or re-do your vision board! What do you really desire in your life right now?

3. Set some goals or intentions.

4. Do a morning meditation before you get out of bed.

5. Clear some old fears, beliefs or hurts.

Search for my vision board, morning meditation and audios here on FREE STUFF

6. Read some great self help, spiritual or fascinating people books.

7. Nurture yourself with massage, warm heat packs, ugg boots and snuggling up on the couch shows.

8. Plan some coffee or wine times with friends that make you feel good.

9. Meditate, dream and plan – get excited with hope and expectation.

10. Have some kinesiology to re-balance your energy to change your reality.

And if you can, nurse some puppies! OMG feel the love and joy!

One of our dogs, Missy, on our egg farm, just had some pups. (My daughter and I sharing the puppy love!)

Have a good week!

Love Denise x