Hi Lovely! How are you going?
If you have searched your way through the internet and came across me then I think it was meant to be!
My name is Denise and I am a kinesiologist.
I believe that stress associated with modern day living is the root cause of poor health, illness and affects our mental health. Stress from the past, our relationships with others, our family members, partners and friends also affect our health. In fact I believe this is a huge factor.
We are all made of ENERGY. We are more than blood and bones. There is a life force energy that runs through every part of our being. We are constantly sending signals out to the universe with our energy through our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions. In turn the universe is responding and we attract what we send out.
This is my passion! I loooove to spread the word about the amazing energetic healing powers of kinesiology and help people change their lives.
Over the past 10 years I have been so lucky to have been able to help many people, using this wonderful energetic therapy.
Kinesiology can help identify why you’re attracting your issue, clear, heal and change your energy. When you change your energy, your reality will follow!
How simple is that! Identify and clear the stresses, negative emotions and beliefs and stimulate energy flow!
This is what KINESIOLOGY does. It talks to your body and clears the blocks.
But YOU also know what’s going on with YOU. You’re body knows exactly why you’re sick, why you feel certain ways, why you can’t create what you want. You just need some guidance to tap into your body’s intuition and subconscious.
During the Coronavirus Pandemic, is the perfect time to do it!
My online energy healing balances on a Tuesday night at 8.00pm, are really popular! Just lie back and relax and be guided into clearing blocks from your body, mind and spirit (from your own home!) Here’s some lovely feedback below.
“That was awesome” “Excellent session”, “That was great!” “I loved it!”, “That was great Denise thx” “This is just what I needed, can I do another one next week””My absolute favourite, thankyou!”
“Thank you so much for that beautiful meditation- I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it, particularly the colour visualizations.”That singing bowl xx”
“Thanks so much for a truly wonderful session. It was the best one so far for me – I feel very much at peace”
“The meditation was very healing and nurturing and I felt very relaxed afterwards.”
*Individual sessions
I work one on one with you as we clear the underlying stress from your body THAT IS CONTRIBUTING to an issue you may have and that is stopping you from functioning at your best and achieving your intentions. Booking details here
Kinesiology talks to your body. Kinesiology identifies and clears the stresses, negative emotions and beliefs that are flowing in and through your body that is causing you and your health to be out of balance.
Kinesiology can reduce underlying stress and physical symptoms, increase energy and support positive new attitudes and behaviours that improve health, wellbeing and vitality on all levels of body, mind and spirit.
I have created a series of Guided Online Energy Healing audio meditations. I guide you through, to identifying a stress, acknowledging where it comes from, reflecting on it, releasing the accompanying negative emotions, releasing the negative beliefs around the issue, then restore and re-balance back to your true self and creating what you do want in your life.
I created these healings during the coronavirus pandemic and they have been so successful, I thought I needed to add them to my website as a tool for people to use to help themselves!
These meditations are SO powerful and they are a great option at this time!
Please email me denise@betterlifekinesiology.com.au and ask me what audio would suit you to start!
I primarily work with people with anxiety and relationship issues, as well as those who want to set goals and clear blocks, release old behaviour patterns and connect to who they really are.
Kinesiology is also great for these conditions and issues.
Our true natural state is to be peaceful, healthy, energetic and free. When we feel like this we are in balance, in alignment. As we go through life, the challenges and stresses along with negative emotions and feelings, can take us out of this beautiful natural state.
Kinesiology clears stress from the body. Any negative emotion that you feel for a long time, causes the body stress.
Many of us are walking around with some LOW LYING STRESS in our bodies from present or past negative experiences that are CAUSING OR CONTRIBUTING to an issue we have TODAY!!
You don’t have to be a ‘stress head’ to have underlying stress in your body.
Emotions like frustration, worry, grief, resentment, anger, fear and powerlessness cause the most stress for your body. Many of these feelings arise within our current and past relationships.
Do you have any of these feelings lingering in you?
Kinesiology is an energetic complimentary medicine. We are all made of energy. So if we are all made of energy it makes sense to treat with energy.
Kinesiology helps you to change your energy. When you change your energy, you change your reality.
If things in your life are not how you want them, then change your energy. Your energy is your blueprint. When you change the blueprint the reality must follow.
Kinesiology can help you to change your life and can help you to start feeling the way you want to feel. In Kinesiology we make goals and clear ‘blocks’ for those goals. Life cannot flow easily when we have these blocks. Energy blocks come from the stresses in your life, negative emotions (like anger, frustration, sadness, despair and guilt) or negative beliefs we have about ourselves. Kinesiology helps you to clear these blocks and connect to your inner guidance and your personal power.
Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well it’s not!
If this resonates with you then KINESIOLOGY is for YOU.
Kinesiology can change your life
Kinesiology not only can help with physical and emotional conditions, it can also help with achieving your true potential. As you become more in tune and less stressed within yourself, you are able to function at a higher level. Kinesiology can help you make changes and live the life you were meant to have. The results can be amazing.
Kinesiology can
- empower you to focus on YOUR needs
- provide clarity and dissolve blocks that keep you sabotaging your goals
- assist you to release negative behaviours and beliefs and to make more healthier positive choices
- help you to reconnect to who you really are and what is right for you
- assist you to bring your body and your life back into balance
During a session
During the session a client lies comfortably face up, fully clothed, on a massage table. I then test various reflex and acupressure points along with various muscle tests to gain some information with what is going on with the body.
Initial consultation lasts for 75 minutes and a regular session is 60 minutes.
Kinesiology uses many techniques to stimulate energy flow, such as acupressure, flower essences and sound vibration.
After a session, people can feel relaxed, energised, more empowered, focused, and centred.