Attachments and Addictions same same

Hi Everyone

How are you all doing?

Our purpose in life here, is to expand and grow, oh and to find joy! (How is your joy going?)lol

I’ll start with asking you a question? What in your life, would you like to be different? Is it exactly the way you want? Or do you want to feel more supported, loved, peaceful, content, successful and have better health?

Sometimes with our dis-satisfaction, we carry around some heavy emotions like anger, frustration, guilt, shame, grief and fear. These emotions are a stress to our body, mind and spirit and if left lingering around for a while, can manifest into physical or emotional issues. Yes illnesses!


If you’re a bit stuck as to how to get things moving, tune in to our Tuesday nights  group kinesiology GUIDED ONLINE ENERGY HEALING MEDITATIONS.  These meditations identify the origin of these emotions, we then reflect, release and re- balance our energy, to create harmony and balance to your entire being. It’s been perfect for the time that we are in,  are effective and not expensive therapy! How do we do it? Read more here!


So this Tuesday night 8.00pm in our online ENERGY HEALING SESSION, (BOOK HERE NOW), we are focusing on clearing ATTACHMENTS AND ADDICTIONS

and  strengthening our will to expand and grow and increase our connection with ourselves and the universe! It’s about changing your energy. When you change your energy, you change your reality.


Sound good?


If you haven’t joined for a while, this one will be great, as we are focusing on the energy centre, the crown chakra, which is about expanding consciousness, awareness and spiritual connection. It’s simple, relaxing and feels good!


Click here again to BOOK AND FOR MORE INFORMATION   and also to see some feedback!

Have a lovely week!


Denise x

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