“That was awesome!”

Hi Lovely People

“That was awesome” “Excellent session”, “That was great!” “I loved it!”, “That was great Denise thx” “This is just what I needed, can I do another one next week”


Oh gosh! I’m so pleased! Thanks for all the feedback from last nights online energy healing session everyone, how exciting!

I’m so motivated that I’m going to run one every week, Tuesday night at 8.00pm for the next 6 weeks.They will all be concentrated on clearing different energy centres in the body, which relate to different areas of your life.


So as you know, our clinic is closed so we are all trying to work out how to keep going supporting people and also supporting ourselves. So I’ve produced an online energy healing meditation where you restore balance and harmony to your entire being using my kinesiology techniques of  releasing past stress, negative emotions and beliefs through guided visualizations and sound vibration. It feels really good!


This is done through Zoom which is an online conferencing/webinar platform.

You do not have to be seen or heard, you just sit or lie down, hear me, then relax, rebalance and heal your body, mind and spirit 🙂

It’s all really easy, you just click on the link when I send out an email inviting you before the time. (None techy people, don’t get scared you just click!)


Please reply to this email just saying YES you MIGHT be interested and then I will send you the details.

It goes for less than 40 mins, oh and $20.00 🙂

For those who participated last night, if you invite a new person to come along, you can join for FREE!!


So let me know if you would like to join for the first time or again!

Thanks so much!

Keep safe.

Denise x

(You can still email me feedback or questions anytime!)








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