Hi Everyone!
How are you all doing?
Relationships are there to learn something about yourself. Nice saying lol! I think I’ve learnt enough now though, thank you!
But ‘relationships’ aren’t just romantic relationships, there are ones we have with our parents, siblings, children, friends, work colleagues, shop keeper…. lots of them.
So what’s going on in your relationship? Which relationship in your life would you like to be better or different? Or maybe you would like a new relationship?
This Tuesday 8.00pm in our Kinesiology Online Energy Healing session, we are focusing on clearing the ‘stress’ or ‘what is bothering you’, about your relationships. Click HERE TO REGISTER
This is great for EVERYTHING anyway. Our life is basically relationships!
So are ALL your needs met in your relationship?
Do you sometimes feel unsupported or unloved, don’t feel safe or have uncertainty, not understood or accepted?
Would you like to feel empowered, supported, loved, safe, have certainty, understood and accepted?
Our online kinesiology energy healings help clear the blocks of doubt, worry, grief, guilt and fear that you feel from not having your needs met.
When you clear and re-balance, you change your energy so you can start attracting/sending signals out of what you DO want in your life!
This week I’m offering 50% off because I’d love to attract more of you to experience these online healing sessions!
So $10.00 (usually $21)
Thanks so much, also, to my beautiful regulars!
Click HERE TO REGISTER AND FOR MORE DETAILS of what it’s all about!
Hope to re-balance you soon!
Denise x