Hi, Welcome lovely people!
It’s nearly the end of the year, and I’m talking resolutions already, can you believe it?
Okay, so the best New Years Resolution is……….
I don’t want to even say it because people go yeah yeah, I know I should do it but:-
It’s too difficult, it takes years to learn, I don’t have enough time, it’s too spiritual or religious.
But MEDITATION is the resolution of all the resolutions!!
There are so many myths about it. Have a look at the benefits of meditation here.
I began to meditate about 8 years ago.
When I started, my children were much younger and there was no way I could disappear for 5 minutes to sit by myself – they always find you!
So I used to sit in my car in the garage, lol, before I went inside to the chaos, and put the timer on my phone for 5 minutes. I would just close my eyes and breathe in and out slowly, and I would say, this focused chant. ‘I am (breathe in) at peace (breathe out) I am (breathe in) at peace (breathe out). (Even though I wasn’t at peace at first!)
This extended to 6 minutes, 7 minutes etc. And now I loooooove it! I even look forward to it! It’s now varied of course and I no longer sit in my car!
Meditation soothes your mind and body. It changes your energy.
You can do simple chants or follow guided meditations (you know, when you’re in the rain forest, your body loves it, it thinks it’s in the rain forest)
I’ve tested a few free apps, these ones are good to try and help you get started.
- Smiling Mind – AUS
- Relax lite – UK
- Calm – has lovely sounds, crashing waves etc
- Sitting still – US
- 5 min Relax – US
Just start small, ie time wise, and regular, so it’s like brushing your teeth. It’s so nourishing for your body and mind and it costs nothing! Give it a try or give it a try again if you haven’t got into it already. You soon will love it!
Anyway, that’s it from me! Have a great Christmas and safe New year. XX
Thanks for letting me pop into your inbox!
Merry Christmas!
Denise x
P.S. I’m running my Chakra Clearing E-course again in March. It’s so good. Working on yourself, clearing old beliefs and stresses. It’s super empowering. Sneak preview here!