Hi Lovely
I’m doing my last energy healing meditation of our 7 chakra ‘series’ this WEDNESDAY night. I’m doing Wednesday because Tuesday is Melbourne Cup and some people might be busy!
This time balancing our crown energy centre, which relates to spirituality, expanding consciousness, connecting with your spirit, source energy, the universe, your life path, your purpose, your wisdom and mastery, psychic development, intelligence, thoughtfulness and awareness.
Book here for THIS Wednesday 8.00pm. It’s going to be great!
AND more excitingly! NEW PROGRAM!
The following weeks I’m offering a 6 week program where we focus on ONE ISSUE YOU WANT TO HEAL before Christmas.
This can range from anxiety, over thinking, depression, blocks for abundance, being a success, reaching a goal, finding a partner, having a baby, being overweight, fighting with family, pimples, sore backs, shoulders, necks, heart problems, physical ILLNESSES, viruses, divorce, love, rejection, relationships or whatever physical or emotional/mental issue you have. You know what it is!
Choose ONE priority issue that you would like to focus on to clear the negative energy around the issue and watch the change happen over the 6 weeks.
ALL issues/illness/complaints have negative emotions feeding them with your energy. Your issues are thriving on the energy you send to parts of your body with these emotions. The answer is to release the emotions.
Kinesiology helps release energy from the body. Energy in the form of emotions. I can absolutely guarantee that!
So I’ve just created a 6 week energy healing package using my guided energy healings, focusing on releasing these emotions around ONE particular issue you have.
This is how it will go
Six Week Kinesiology Guided Energy Healing Program 10th Nov-15th Dec
What you get
- 1 x Guided Tuesday night Energy Healing Meditation each week (focusing on your priority issue) ($21)
(You’ll get the recording if you can’t make it!)
- 1 x Guided Energy Healing Meditation focusing on the energy centre that DEALS with your issue ($21)
(For you to do in your own time, each week)
- Private Facebook members group for weekly live tutorials on each energy system and their traumas,
energetic causes of illness, emotions etc
- Access to me via email, facebook direct message
- $20 off any Kinesiology session with me in clinic or online (if you choose!) ( $20)
These are all focusing around your intent to heal your PRIORITY issue.
Value – at least $42 x 6 weeks+ $20 is $272
BUT if you book before this Friday 6th Nov there is an early bird special of more than 50% off.
So $126 for the 6 weeks!
So lets release the emotions and stress in your body and mind FOCUSING ON ONE priority issue in 6 weeks! I guarantee you will make a noticeable shift. Lets do it! It’s all going to be EASY!
CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS AND also see how my guided energy healing’s changed the condition for one man over 6 weeks!
I have been doing Kinesiology for over 10 years and the underlying similarities that EVERYONE has no matter what their issue, illness or complaint is, are NEGATIVE EMOTIONS accompanied by NEGATIVE BELIEFS. This energy is fueling your complaint! It’s feeding the issue. Once you become aware and release, the issue starts to change.
What have you got to lose!?
Denise x
(ps reminder, this is energy healing and does not replace medical advice)