Helloooo! I hope your New Year has started well! Many people who come to me, usually have a goal.…
Hi there, Just checking in to say happy 2016! I’d been working regularly with a woman called Clare all…
I’m a kind, caring, genuine person, why isn’t my relationship care free, easy and exactly what I want, you ask?…
Hi There! Have you heard of Adrenal Fatigue? It’s a term that’s being used for being constantly exhausted, physically…
Is something bothering you? Is something stressing you out or pushing your buttons? Is something bothering you and you think,…
Hi There! No energy, overwhelmed, agitated? Those are three great feelings aren’t they? NOT! Energized, calm, not…
Hey there! Got any goals you’d like to achieve before Christmas? Let me know soon as appointments are booking…
Hi there! Have you ever thought “Could the stresses or events in my life have helped cause my illness or…
Hey there! I’ve just added some new testamonials to my website. These are real people. True! Here’s two of them…
Hi there! How would you like to stop caring about what other people think? I said this to one woman…