Hey there! How’s it all going? I often work on myself. When things aren’t going the way they ‘should’…
Hi there! How’s it going? Im so excited! I’ve just finished putting together my online healing workshop and it’s really…
Hi There! How are you going? Stuckness – is that a word? Sometimes you feel stuck. Nothing’s flowing…
Hi there! How is everything going? Self Sabotage. Everyone does it sometimes, some people do it all the time. You…
Hi there, how is everything going? Just letting you know, I’m moving to a lovely new clinic in nearby…
Hey There! Kinesiology is great for all issues and conditions but I’ve never really mentioned how it can help…
Hi there! How’s it all going? I always try to be a good ‘focuser’, that is, focusing on what I…
Hey there! How are you going? Sometimes we are doing really well, being our true, content, peaceful, self, feeling…